Extract large price changes

Earlier, you did an exercise where you marked data showing large price changes during each day. Do it again, but this time extract the data.

The worksheet starts like this:


When the user clicks Run, your program extracts data. Data from days where the price increased by 2 or more is copied into the "Large increase" section. Data from days where the price fell by 2 or more is copied into the "Large decrease" section. Here's some sample output:


Download this worksheet and add the code to it.


  • The first rows don't contain data. You'll need to adjust for that.
  • You'll need three counters. One for the input rows, and one each for the output regions.

Upload your solution. The usual coding standards apply.

When you submit, please answer this question: What did you learn from this exercise? Type in the text area of the solution form.

(If you were logged in as a student, you could submit an exercise solution, and get some feedback.)
