Dogs playing poker

You've probably seen this before.


Write a program to compute the cost of throwing a dog poker party. It starts like this:


The user fills in three cells, and clicks the Run button. Your program computes the cost, and shows it. For example:


If the user types a non-numeric value for large dogs or small dogs, show an error message and end the program.

If the user types a number less than zero for large dogs or small dogs, show an error message and end the program. Zero is OK.

If the total number of dogs (large dogs plus small dogs) is more than seven, show an error message and end the program.

Remove any spaces from around the user's beer input (B6). If the beer input is other than Y, N, y, or n, show an error message and end the program.

The cost is $40 for a large dog, and $30 for a small dog. If there is beer, add $8 for each dog.

Upload your spreadsheet. Be sure to follow the coding standards.

(If you were logged in as a student, you could submit an exercise solution, and get some feedback.)

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