Xoop panel candidates

Elections are coming up on Xoop, a planet about 58 light years from Earth. Pl'inth, a political journalist, wants to form a small panel of average citizens, and get their opinions on the issues. She has a list of volunteers, but most of them are not suitable. Write a VBA program to go through the list, and show potential candidates.

Download this workbook with data on Xoop volunteers. Here's part of it:


The first column is the volunteer's name. The second is the length of the volunteer's primary tongue, in etels (an etel is about a meter). The third column is the number of oths the xoop has. An oth is a combination leg and mouth.

Pl'inth wants to find xoops who's tongue is at least 1.8 but no more than 2.3 etels long, and has at least 4 but no more than 7 oths. Here's what part of your worksheet should look like after the code runs.


The candidate xoops are listed, with their tongue and oth data. The statistics are just for the candidates. So 2.13 is the average tongue length for the 11 candidates who meet Pl'inth's criteria.

Round the averages to two decimal places.

Write your program so that it adjusts if the number of rows changes. If some volunteers drop out, or others are added, your program should analyze the new data, just by clicking the Run button.

Assume that all of the data is valid and accurate.

Normal coding standards apply.

Upload your worksheet. If you want, include your name in the file name, e.g., lenny-kravitz-xoops.xlsm.

(If you were logged in as a student, you could submit an exercise solution, and get some feedback.)

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