Finding stuff on this site

How do you find stuff on this site? A bunch of ways.

Lists of exercises, patterns…

The Tools menu has links to lists of exercises, Big Ideas, and other things.

Tools menu

For example, here's the exercises list:

Exercises list


Pages have lists of keywords at the top:

Keywords on a page

Click on a keyword, and you'll see a list of all pages that have that keyword.

You can also click on Keywords in the Tools menu:

Keywords link

You'll see a list of all the keywords.

Keyword list


There's a search field on the right, under the Tools menu. Type stuff, and press Enter:


You'll get some results:

Search results

There's an advanced search on the search results page. You can get more specific. For example, this…

Advanced search

… will find pages with the exact text "background color" in them.


You can search this site with Google, by using the site keyword. Type…

… before the search terms you're looking for.
